Saturday, 13 April 2013

The Proper Use of the Infamous Hashtag

Welcome to 2013, or rather, welcome to Generation Y territory. We don't use digital to aid our lives - we LIVE by digital. I'm the worst culprit - I can't sit for two minutes without my FOMO (fear of missing out) kicking in and then I go through my cycle: instagram, twitter, tumblr, facebook and finally, blog stats. I repeat this until there is literally nothing to update myself on. When I wake up in the morning - phone. When I'm going to sleep at night - phone. During the adverts - phone. Honestly, I'm obsessed and I don't know what to do about it.

Anyway, this isn't a therapy session. My point of all that was to preface this post with the statement that in my view, when it comes to social media, I know my stuff. I have also had the pleasure displeasure of noticing some certain behaviours when it comes to the ol' hashtag.