Thursday, 28 March 2013

Photoshopping in Advertising

You may want to grab a cup of tea before reading this because it's a long one with a lot of background issues. 

As a young female who has been through the absolute mill when it comes to self-hatred and body issues this is a subject close to my heart. I've never been naive and always knew the pictures in the magazines are not a true

Friday, 8 March 2013

Tesco Turning Horse Meat Scandal into Lesson - Yay or NEIGH?

Yeah I'm pretty proud of that title so let's just all take a minute to appreciate it...

Appreciated it enough? Good. Let's crack on with the mane point (I can't stop, I'm sorry) of this post. 

So I was in Tesco avoiding talking to humans by using the self-service machines (our generation just do NOT like to interact personally do we...) and I spotted this huge cardboard stand with leaflets:

Excuse the image quality - snapped it quickly and didn't want to look odd taking photos in Tesco.